3 Oral Health Tips From A Children’s Dentist

As a parent, it is your job to protect all aspects of your child’s health. A children’s dentist can help you establish good dental habits early on in life so your child can have optimal oral care, which can be a link to other parts of their health. This article will give three basic tips to help set a foundation for your child’s dental health as they grow.

3 Tips to Protect Your Child’s Teeth

Regular Cleanings

Many might be surprised to learn that brushing and flossing are not the only ways to maintain good oral health. Regular cleanings for children are also essential for keeping their teeth and gums healthy, strong, cavity-free, and disease-free. According to the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a child should receive their first dental checkup as early as six months of age but no later than their first birthday. Visiting a children’s dentist while the child is young offers numerous benefits. However, there are two main benefits parents should take into account.

A children’s dentist can see signs of infection, decay, or disease and correct them before they take over the child’s mouth. Contrary to popular belief, primary (baby) teeth are just as important as secondary (adult) teeth and require diligent care. Primary teeth are more vulnerable than secondary teeth because they are softer and still growing, meaning cavities will develop faster because there is less enamel protection against bacteria in the mouth.

The second benefit to early dental appointments is the dental anxiety in children will be greatly reduced as time goes on. Dental anxiety is common for people of all ages, which is why our team strives to ensure each child is comfortable during their visits. The more visits children have, the more normal each one will feel.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments can help prevent tooth decay, especially in children who are at risk for it. Fluoride is a mineral that strengthens enamel and makes teeth more resistant to acid from bacteria that causes cavities. During biannual cleanings, a children’s dentist can provide concentrated fluoride treatments through rinses, gels, or varnishes. However, these treatments will not last a full six months; therefore, parents should buy toothpaste products that contain fluoride to use in-between appointments.

Eat a Teeth Healthy Diet

Parents want their children to enjoy their childhood, and a part of that is eating loads of candy in junk food. However, children do not know what is best for their teeth and often lack a proper oral hygiene routine. For example, they do not immediately brush their teeth after consuming a pack of gummy worms or drinking a soda. 

In an effort to reduce dental problems, parents should follow a teeth-healthy diet. A teeth-healthy diet incorporates milk, water, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, grapes, cranberries), fatty fish (salmon), and nuts. In addition, these foods and beverages have calcium, vitamins (A, B, B-complex, C, D), iron, and potassium. 

Of course, parents should avoid any or at least limit products with added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and acidic foods. When consuming these ingredients, they immediately begin to destroy the enamel, which is already vulnerable.

Schedule Your Child’s Next Appointment

The most important thing to remember is that your child’s baby teeth are just as important as adult teeth. Therefore, setting a healthy foundation starts during their childhood. Our children’s dentist will help you do that. We invite you to schedule your child’s next dental appointment at our Oro Valley office by calling {{PHONE}} today. We look forward to speaking with you.

Request an appointment here: https://dentistryinorovalley.com or call Dentistry In Oro Valley at (520) 833-5100 for an appointment in our Oro Valley office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Kid Friendly Dentist in Oro Valley, AZ.

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